Monday, February 25, 2013

Maple Almond Shortbread Cookies

These cookies are great with a cup of tea and a good book or conversation and guests - that's precisely why I made these. We were having guests over and the majority of our friends or family do not eat specifically gluten or dairy free (Witty Husband doesn't either). What's great about these cookies, is that one can't tell it's gluten free. Oats are a great introductory grain for those eating gluten free (just make sure they are certified if truly sensitive). They have a hearty, familar taste that everyone can enjoy. Pleasing to a diverse crowd! Plus they are dairy, gluten, soy and egg free along with being vegan. Proves you can have your cookies and share them too!

Also, they remind me a little of cinnamon graham crackers. These would be perfect for campfire smores with our marshmallow root marshmallows! I was wishing I had some marshmallows made so I could toast it in the oven then make a smore sandwich with these cookies and some chocolate. Goodness gracious!!!

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Maple Almond Shortbread Cookies
1 1/2 cup oats (gluten-free certified if sensitive)
2 Tb flaxseeds
1/2 cup sorghum flour *see notes below for replacement
1/2 tsp fine sea salt (don't add if there is salt added to nut butter)
1 tsp cinnamon powder

1/2 c maple syrup
3/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1 tsp vanilla

1-2 TB evaporated cane sugar or coconut sugar to sprinkle on top *optional*

1. Grind flaxseeds and oats in a coffee grinder, blender, or food processor.
2. Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients in seperate bowl. Combine the wet into the dry, smooth with spatula until completely incorporated.
3. Roll into parchment paper to make a tube and refridgerate for 1 hour or overnight.
4. Preheat oven to 350. Remove tube of dough from fridge and parchment paper. Using sharp knife cut 1/3 inch slices and place on stoneware or parchment lined tray. Sprinkle with pinch of sugar.
5. Bake 15-18 minutes. Remove from oven and let completely cool before eating (they will be super crumbly if not cool).


*Sorghum flour replacers - millet or rice flour will work just fine here.

1 comment:

  1. YUM! Now I know what to do with all of the sorghum seed that the finches won't eat! ;)


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