
Friday, June 22, 2012

Banana Ice Cream with Nutmeg

I know the whole frozen-banana-into-ice-cream trick is not new but this has been our latest treat and it so delicious so I had to share. With three ingredients this is also super easy to make! You don't even need an ice cream machine - just a handy dandy high speed blender!

Growing up, my mom would make tons of smoothies. One of my favorites was a banana smoothie with either almond or peanut butter and non-dairy milk, topped with freshly grated nutmeg. Talk about childhood inspiration!

Just the smell of nutmeg is memorable. You will need whole nutmeg. This is important. Previously ground nutmeg does not have the flavor or spice of freshly grated.

I also shared this recipe on Allergy-free Wednesdays! Be sure to check it out there.

Banana Ice Cream with Fresh Nutmeg
3 Frozen Bananas
3 T almond butter (or 3 T seed butter)
Whole nutmeg and a grater

In vitamix or other high speed blender, blend frozen bananas, 3 T almond butter, and freshly grated nutmeg (about 10 good strokes on grater). When smooth, scoop into 3 cups and top with freshly grated nutmeg.

Question of the Day:
Is there a spice or herb that brings back memories for you?


  1. i love banana ice cream! i bet it's delicious with nutmeg! gorgeous photos!

  2. I love this! We make banana ice cream using frozen bananas and a little coconut milk in the VitaMix. So simple and yummy. LOVE the almond butter idea! - Julia
