
Friday, January 23, 2015

Homemade Almond Milk

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Homemade Almond Milk is amazing. I can't get over how the taste is so fresh! I would skip snacking for a cup of this creamy liquid.

All you need are raw almonds, a nut milk bag and a blender.

There is something so seriously satisfying about making your own nut milk! Not everyone can go out and milk a cow but you can milk a nut! Below I've included three tips for your best homemade nut milk, recipe for plain homemade almond milk, and three variations (two of which include seeds!)

I'm nuts for nut milk!

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Three Tips for the best Homemade Nut Milk
1. Soak your Nuts

This is best for your digestion and your blender.

The skin of raw almonds contain an enzyme inhibitor that prevents nutrient absorption. Soaking releases this enzyme, making for a more nourishing nut! The almonds need to soak at least 8 hours, preferably 12, and some raw foodists claim 24 hours for optimum results.

2. Use a Nut Milk Bag
Yes, it's true you can triple up layers of cheesecloth and try it that way. But trust me, use a nut milk bag. They are reusable and so much easier.
I have this Fine Mesh Reusable Large Nut Milk Bag from natural zing available on amazon. It's commercial sized. I like the shape but it is honestly a little big for my liking unless you're doubling recipes. I would recommend this size from Natural Zing . There are plenty nut milk bags out there. Just check them out here.
3.Sweet and Salt

Adding a little bit of both brings the flavor a long way. I like to add Pink Himalayan sea salt from Mountain Rose Herbs and some soaked dates. Soaking dates in hot water helps to soften them. Added bonus is using that water as the water to blend up the milk. Waste not!

Agave nectar or vanilla stevia extract can also be substituted for the dates.

So, remember: SBSS. Soak it! Bag it! Sweeten and Salt it!

I even came up with a jig to go along with that acronym which none of you will be privileged enough to see. Cheeky much? That's how I get when I talk about nuts. I mean almonds...

Which brings us to...

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Homemade Almond Milk
1 cup raw almonds, soaked at least 8 hours
3 cups filtered water (+ additional 1/2 cup *optional)
4 dates *optional
Pinch of Salt
1. Blend in blender.
2. Over a large bowl, squeeze the milk out of the nut milk bag. Put your hand muscles into it!
3. *Optional: Add the additional 1/2 cup to blender. Blend to get remnants and pass through nut milk bag once more. This helps to get a little more.
4. Serve over a little ice or refridgerate in jars. Shake before pouring. 

Mix it up with different variations:
Hemp and Almond Milk Variation
3 cups raw almonds, soaked
1/3 cup raw hemp seeds
6-10 dates
4 cups water
Pinch of Salt
Almond and Pumpkin Seed Milk Variation
3 cups raw almonds, soaked
1/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked
6-10 dates
4 cups water
Pinch of Salt

Vanilla Bean Almond Milk
3 cups raw almonds, soaked
6-10 dates
4 cups water
Pinch of Salt
Scrapings of one vanilla bean*

*I buy these Premium Bourbon-Madagascar Vanilla Beans - 16 beans (so juicy and plump).

Also saw these Natural Air Purifying Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt 1 Tealight Candle Holder, 2-Pack were on sale on Amazon! They were mentioned in my post 12 Gifts for Crunchy Mommas. Two for the price of one? BOOYAH!
This post contains affiliate links. Buying through these links may help to support Sweet Roots! I thank all my sweet readers for your support!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

DIY: Inspirational Journal

Raise your hand if you have a pinterest folder dedicated to only Quotes (or wisdom or verses)!!! I know I do. I’ve collected quotes since I was in middle school. There is something so wonderful when someone else has captured perfectly what you needed to hear (or wanted to say). It’s this sense of resonance. This profound sigh of “Yes. That’s exactly it.”

This is a great idea to showcase all those inspirational quotes so you can see them every day (and not just when you peek in your pinterest folder).
And all you need is a journal and some sharpies!
Just figure out what quotes you would like, draw it on draft paper (or freestyle if you’re feeling wild), and then draw it on your journal.

I used these Sharpie Metallic Fine Point Markers for that extra shine.

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And if you need some journal prompts, check out all if these great ideas from Creative with Kids!

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