
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nourishing Nettle and Root Tea with Lemon

Nourishing NEttle and Root TEa Me and my tea Stinging Nettles are a very nourishing plant. Despite their literal prickly appearance, they are delicious and nutritive. Once dried, ground, or steamed, the prickly hairs no longer have that ouch factor.
The tea of Stinging Nettles is a great general tonic. A tonic helps to increase the feeling of wellbeing. It is intended to improve, invigorate, and/or strengthen the functions of the body and spirit. According to Rosemary Gladstar, in her book Herbal Healing for Women, "(Nettle) is one of the best sources of digestible plant iron and is rich in calcium, vitamin A, and chlorophyll." (p 251) It is also very strengthening to the kidneys and blood. Its taste is earthy. It's green depths make me think of the fall forest up by my mother's home.
Dandelion, Ginger and Burdock Root are all very lightly detoxifying. Ginger Root helps aid digestion and circulation as well as being antiviral and antibiotic. Dandelion Root aids the liver, helps regulate hormones. Dandelion and Burdock mix well. Burdock Root, also known as "Gobo," is commonly sold in Asian markets as a vegetable. It very nutritive and is a great anti-inflammatory, also aiding the liver and blood.
I've added some star anise and licorice for more flavor and a little sweetness but cinnamon would work well instead. Star Anise aids digestion. Licorice Root is helpful in treating adrenal exhaustion. Nourishing NEttle and Root Tea Lemon Juice helps alkalize the body, nuetralizing your ph. It helps the body get rid of toxins through the digestive tract by aiding bile production in the liver. It is also calming and restorative with its Vitamin C bounty. Nourishing NEttle and Root tEa Nourishing Nettle and Root Tea Nourishing Nettle and Root Tea with Lemon
1 tb Dried Nettle Leaf
1 tsp Dried Dandelion Root
1 tsp Dried Burdock Root
1 in. piece fresh Ginger Root, peeled
1 Star Anise
1-2 slices licorice root

Combine all ingredients in teapot. Pour boiling water over. Let steep for 10-15 minutes for full herbal benefits!
ENJOY! Nourishing Nettle and Root Tea

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Raw Vibrance

What do you think of when you heard the word "juice"?
Sugary syrup? Synthetic chemicals? Cavities? Danger, Will Robinson?
What about vibrance? Health? Raw vitamins?
Today, I'm going to change the way you think about juice.
When juicing a vegetable or fruit, it's broken down to its pure liquid existence. That color? That beautiful vibrance? That raw taste? This is the vegetable's essence. Juices 10 Juicing vegetable or fruits creates concentrated nutrients - like drinking vitamins. A lot of natural healing centers utilize fresh vegetable juice to heal the body from degenerative diseases because the juices are pure nourishment. All those nutrients help to detoxify the body on a cellular level.
They're also easy to consume. Just try chowing down on a pound of carrots. How far did you get? Thought so.
Of course, this doesn't mean you should only eat your vegetables and fruits through juicing because fiber is lost in the juicing process. Fiber is needed to help get things moving, if you know what I mean.
Where can you get a juicer? Try supporting your local health food store and asking if they would sell you one. You can also look on amazon. There are great review on Champion juicers.
Every juicer is a little different. Read your manual and look at online reviews to help get a feel for yours. Some juicers need you to switch feeding it dense and watery produce while others need solely dense then watery produce.
I hope you enjoy these recipes!
Juices 7 March to the Beet
1 Large Beet
2 Carrots
1 Apple
I think this is my favorite. Beets are so vibrant. Just look at that color! What delicious antioxidants! Juices 5 Spa Juice 2.0
1 Cucumber
1 in piece of ginger
1 apple
2 Lemons
This brings Spa Water to a whole new level. It's got the right of amoung of zing to liven up your day. Cucumber juice is great for quenching thirst. Lemons are full of Vitamin C. Juices 4 Juices 2 Don't you Carrot all?
4 Large Carrots
1-2 cloves garlic
Carrots offer a wide range of vitamins and are SWEET to boot! Throwing a clove of garlic in will aid your immune system. I think you will definitely care for this one. Juices 1 The Green Monster
2 cups baby kale or 1 bunch large kale
1 apple
10 sprigs parsley or a small handful
1 carrot
This Green Monster is going to turn your world upside down. Kale is full of calcium and parsley is a great antioxidant. Bottoms up! Juices 8 Juices 9
Amaressa enjoying her delicious juice! She hopes your get your raw vibrance!

Grapefruit Dry Scrub

A New Year means a chance for a New You. It's the time for rebirth. It's time to revitalize yourself, a great time to detox. It is a great time to scrub out all those toxins.
Dryscrub 2 Usually Detox starts from the inside. Today we are going to start on the outside - the body's largest organ: Your Skin.
Everyday your skin triumphs over obstacles. It's a barrier to the harms of the outside world. It attempts to purify your body, shedding harmful waste products most of which we induce. However your pores can get blocked. Drybrushing (or dry scrubbing) can help aid your skin's detoxification. It helps to open pores and increase your circulation. It sheds dead skin layers. It can also help reduce cellulite and improve cell renewal.
What is dryscrubbing? Instead of using a wooden bristle brush, a dry salt scrub is used. A dry scrub includes clays, herbs, salts, and a few essential oils to aid your body's detox. All ingredients can be found at a local health food store or from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Complete a dry scrub before you hop in the shower or bath. Adding water will only aid your skin's elasticity and will not have the same effect. After scrubbing down, don't wash it off and just hop in the bath. This will help draw the toxins.
The herbs are known anti-inflammatories. Frankincense is an ancient healer. Though in a pinch, they can be omitted. Also, pregnant women should stay clear of Juniper Essential Oil.
Grapefruit and Juniper Berry EO Salt Scrub
1/4 c Salts (I chose a combo of epsom and Dead Sea salt)
2 tb French Green Clay
1 tsp Frankincense Powder
1 tsp Orris Root Powder
5 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
3 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil
1. Combine all dry ingredients and mix until combined.
2. Add Essential Oils while mixing thoroughly.

Grapefruit and Juniper Berry EO Salt ScrubDryscrub 3
How to Dry Scrub:
1. Always brush towards heart center. This means from toes upward, from fingers inward.
2. Start scrubbing at the soul of your feet and move upward.
3. Scrub your abdomen counter-clockwise circles.
4. Lightly scrub chest. Do NOT scrub nipples.
5. Hop in hot bath or shower.
6. End with a cold rinse to continue aiding circulation.

Now go take a load off!